Pre Squad

Starfish Swim School offers a Pre-Squad for those who have completed the Learn to Swim program. The focus is on increasing endurance, refining stroke technique, development, turns, starts and finishes for all four strokes. We introduce the kids to competitive swimming.

Time trials are held once a term in all 4 strokes and analysed each term. We also have major endurance swims every term.

Teacher ratio – 2 : 20 (whole pool in use)
Class duration: 45 minutes
Distance covered, approximately: 1km-1.5km

Pre Squad Flow Chart

After Squad

Starfish Swim School has partnered with Rodney Skudar, owner of Academy of Swimming. This partnership allows our students the ability and facilities necessary, once they have outgrown the Starfish pool, to further their progression and development in swimming.

Academy of Swimming runs out of both Harold Holt and GESAC utilizing the 25m & 50m pools. From here students will also have the choice and access to join their affiliate club, M1, if they wish to compete in districts, state and national competitions.

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